1·Communication system, receiver, device and method of correcting error of information channel.
2·Self - checking regularly is also needed for discovering and correcting error in medical records.
3·An embodiment of the invention provides a method for correcting error of flash memory file system and a device thereof.
4·The paper proves the correcting error and checking error capability of correcting codes with Block Orchard Scheme and discusses the relationship in different Block.
5·At present, the correcting method of sensor error depends on sensor prime data so that when working time increases and sensor parameter is changed, the correcting error will increase.
6·Correcting even one calculation error or adding one other point or example can easily add a few points to your grade.
7·Correcting the first error breaks this chain and often enables the software to compile correctly.
8·Additionally, EMC EFDs safeguard data with full round-trip error correcting code (ECC) data integrity protection and destage power backup.
此外,EMC EFD也使用全双工错误修正码(ECC)数据完整性保护和离线电源备份来保护数据。
9·Uninstalling and reinstalling the application with the correct backend ID is frequently the safest option in correcting the error.
10·As mentioned previously, in cases where this refactoring results in an error, whether flagged or not, you can continue by simply correcting the errors on a case-by-case basis.